
Are You Ready to Build Your Venture?

Last year, we announced the creation of the UNM Anderson Center for Responsible Entrepreneurship. We continue to support his effort by merging our efforts and work into this sustainable and exciting way to support local entrepreneurs for the long term.

Responsible Entrepreneur Acceleration Program and Community

The UNM Anderson Center opened applications for our year-long acceleration program as part of this work. Any entrepreneur will tell you it takes time and a supportive community to develop, launch, and obtain funding. We have designed a rigorous year-long program, combining education, mentoring, key deliverables (e.g., business plan, investor pitch), and shared practical experiences. Our goal is to guide you to product-market fit and early revenue to get to investor-ready status.

What Is a Responsible Entrepreneur?

What does it mean to be a responsible entrepreneur? While we will cover these elements too, it means balancing profit with purpose and developing your organizational culture thoughtfully with ethical leadership practices. We are the program for you if you want to build a venture that embraces mutual respect with your employees, customers, community, shareholders, and other key stakeholders. Plus, you are a responsible entrepreneur!

Information Sessions and Application

We are hosting two information sessions to answer your questions about the program and its requirements. One session is virtual, and the other will be hosted during lunch at the Santa Fe Business Incubator. Registrations links and dates are at the end of this post.

 Outlined below are the application requirements.

  • At least two are involved in the venture (e.g., founder and co-founder).
  • Achieved problem-solution fit with idea and venture.
  • Commit to attending Saturday workshops and doing the work throughout the program.
  • In application:
    • Describe problem-solution fit for your venture, including what you learned from prospective customers.
    • Outline your proposed social and/or environmental impact for your venture.
    • Record and upload your 90-second venture pitch, highlighting your problem-solution fit and value proposition. Give us your best elevator pitch!
    • Define why you want to be a part of this program and community.
    • Will you commit to a founder’s pledge, giving back to the UNM Anderson Center when you are financially successful through your company?

Apply here.

Join Us in Accelerating Your New Venture!

Join us for one of two information sessions:

1 – On March 16, we are hosting a virtual info session from Noon to 1:00 pm MT. Please register to attend here.

2 – On March 21, we are hosting an informal lunch and information session at the Santa Fe Business Incubator. Lunch will be provided, and registration is required. Please register here.

Bring your curiosity. Bring your entrepreneurial spirit. Join us as we continue to develop the responsible entrepreneurship community in Santa Fe and Northern New Mexico!

Jon Mertz

About Jon Mertz

Jon is a 25-year tech and marketing executive. He led brand development, product management, marketing, and sales channel efforts for startup and enterprise companies.